April 2022

Notification Form

SWATT app/WEB-app

  1. Processing of your personal data

    1. For the purpose of providing you with the services of the SWATT app/WEB-app (the “Ap- plication”) (the “Purpose”), OJ Electronics A/S, Stenager 13B, 6400 Sønderborg, pri- vacy@ojelectronics.com (hereafter “OJ Electronics”), will collect and process personal data about you.

    2. OJ Electronics will collect and process the following personal data:

      1. User Profile/Account Information such as user type, profile/account name, password and geographical location

      2. User Contact Information such as first and last name and e-mail address

      3. Device Identification Information such as serial number, IP-address and MAC-ad- dress

    3. All data will be treated as confidential information and will only be used for the Purpose.

    4. The data is stored on a platform provided by a third party service provider. Your personal data will be stored by our platform provider in Europe but may be accessed by our plat- form provider in the USA and OJ Electronics’ group entities worldwide on a need to know basis. Furthermore, your personal data may be processed by our service providers, such as developer of the Application, outside Europe.

    5. Please be informed that the level of data protection as currently applied and enforced in countries outside the European Union does not conform to the level of data protection for personal data currently applied and enforced within the European Union. To ensure ap- propriate safeguards are in place when transferring personal data outside of Europe, the transfer of data between:

      1. OJ Electronics and the third party platform provider will be based on the Standard Contractual Clauses provided by the Commission (Commission Decision 2021/914/EU).

      2. OJ Electronics group entities will be based on the Standard Contractual Clauses pro- vided by the Commission (Commission Decision 2021/914/EU).

      3. OJ Electronics and its service providers, including developer, will be based on the

Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses (Commission Decision 2021/914/EU).

Page 2 1.6 To the extent you have not used the system for 24 months, OJ Electronics will delete your User Profile/Account.

OJ Electronics will keep a log of the changes that you make through the Application. This log will automatically be deleted after 36 months unless OJ Electronics is required under applicable law to keep your personal data for a longer period of time.

    1. You can obtain further information on the personal data which OJ Electronics stores and processes about you by contacting privacy@ojelectronics.com. Further, you may object to your personal data being processed or request that your personal data is rectified. If you wish to object to your personal data being processed or have your data rectified, please contact privacy@ojelectronics.com with this message. Further, if you have any complaints about OJ Electronics’ processing of your personal data, you may contact the Danish Data Protection Agency (www.datatilsynet.dk).

    2. You can obtain a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine- readable format by contacting privacy@ojelectronics.com. If technically feasible, you may request that the personal data is transmitted directly to another company or person acting as a data controller.

    3. OJ Electronics will be processing your personal data for the purpose of fulfilling the terms and conditions entered into between you and OJ Electronics for the provision of the ser- vices in the Application.

Effective Date: April the 1st, 2022

Ref. Notification Form SWATT (app, WEB-app) 02_GB